Monday, May 8, 2017

Dance with the Rhythm

Before anything else, I would like you to watch this video first.

Here, we can see the wonderful breathing of the earth. They are the seasons of our earth - spring, summer, autumn, winter and then back again - spring, summer, autumn, winter. It's a continuous cycle.

It also follows through the 5th Principle of the Kybalion which is the Principle of Rhythm.

"Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides;
    all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests
    in everything; the measure of the swing to the right,
    is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm
    compensates"--The Kybalion.

As with this design of our entire universe. We can see our heart expands and contracts in a continuous cycle. Trees grow and die and their seeds grow and die in a continuous cycle. We walk right foot and then left foot and then right foot in a continuous cycle. We have day and night and then day again and night. In the piano, we start at Do to Re to Mi to Fa until we arrive back at Do and the cycle continues.

Our economy booms and then busts and then booms. World powers eventually withers and then another world power will rise and then withers and it's a continuous cycle. We as human beings and as a creature of this universe follows the same pattern. Even our personal lives also have its ups and downs and believe me that you have to accept everything including the downs because it will eventually lead to your ups.

Everything is a RHYTHM.


Just dance with it.....
