Sunday, September 3, 2017

Quantum Connection

What is quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement happens when two electrons created together and then it is separated. What you do to the one electron, the other electron will automatically corresponds the same. No matter what the distance is. Even if both electrons are on opposite sides of the universe, it will still correspond the on same thing.

This is what physicists call as quantum weirdness and science still has no explanation to this science weirdness.

In case anyone doesn't know what quantum entanglement is, there's a very short video about it here.

Anyway, even though it's weird and it's unexplainable as of the moment. We can utilize this phenomenon in several various ways like teleportation, quantum internet and quantum communications.

Imagine all the possibilities in the future.

China, in particular, had already experimented it to communicate with their own satellites. It was successful. You can read the article here.

Imagine, if we develop this technology further, we wouldn't be needing wireless transmissions for all our communications and every communication could be done instantly. Imagine, if you will be in Pluto and you would want to download movies from Earth, it will be an downloaded instantly. There will be no lagging and down-time.

There is something else to ponder on...

With respect to spirituality, what can this mean? Is this the scientific evidence that all of the whole universe is connected? Will someday science discover that everything's connected to the One Source. Or maybe, this is what other people say that God is the whole universe so everything is connected?

Is quantum entanglement exactly the same principle with spiritual closeness? Is quantum connection the same principle with telepathy or spiritual connection?

Is gut feel the same principle with quantum entanglement?

Sometimes, we as human beings has gut feelings or hunch that there is something, but we cannot explain why and most of the time, it is correct. Also, when someone we love or are very close to, even though we are far apart from them in distance, they know exactly what we are thinking or feeling even if you don't physically talk to them.

And for the Law of Attraction, as for the most favorite example is when you are just thinking of your friend, then all of a sudden, that friend you were just thinking about calls you and you say to yourself, "Wow, what a coincidence this is!" Also, sometimes when you are looking for something or would want something and then after some time or days, someone you know gives it to you as a present. Coincidence? or Not?

I definitely know that there is something here. What if the Law of Attraction, spiritual connection, gut feel, hunches, coincidences and quantum entanglement all goes with just one core principle? That we are all connected.

So, how are we connected? There's no concrete explanation as of yet. If we have an open mind and see all possibilities, it can be explained that we are connected through the spiritual dimension or the 5th dimension or maybe we have a spirit after all. We don't know as of the moment.

In the future, we might know.


Monday, June 12, 2017


The above image represents the Greek Letter "Alpha" and the "Omega(Ω)." Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet.

As in the Christian Bible, Jesus had said that He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is also the beginning and the end.

Even if you don't believe in God or Jesus, this particular line written in the Bible can be seen everywhere around the universe.

Everything in this universe has been in this design where there's one point where it all begins and where everything will eventually end.

Take for example.



The heart is the zero-point or the god-point in the whole Blood Circulatory System of our body. It is the Alpha and the Omega. The heart is the beginning and the end of all blood. The heart is the source and the end of all blood cells in our entire body.


Our human body, I am talking about our biological physical human body, had come from the nutrients and minerals from the earth that your biological mother had taken in. You had also taken in the minerals from the earth when you were growing up. Eventually, this body of yours will then return to the earth and decay. The earth is the god-point for this process. The earth is the beginning and the end of your human biological physical body.


Any waves like light, magnet, sound also follows the same pattern of going back to zero-point or else it will not be a wave.

Other examples of ZERO POINT or GOD-POINT can be seen in my post, The TORUS - Introduction.

This is a TORUS where you can see the ZERO-POINT in the center.

The tornado's center is the zero point and it also follows the TORUS Pattern.

The battery is the Alpha and the Omega of this system. The electrons go out of the battery from the negative side and eventually goes back to the battery in the positive side.

 This is the earth's magnetic field wherein the earth it the zero point or the god-point.

Carbert Lee

Monday, May 8, 2017

Dance with the Rhythm

Before anything else, I would like you to watch this video first.

Here, we can see the wonderful breathing of the earth. They are the seasons of our earth - spring, summer, autumn, winter and then back again - spring, summer, autumn, winter. It's a continuous cycle.

It also follows through the 5th Principle of the Kybalion which is the Principle of Rhythm.

"Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides;
    all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests
    in everything; the measure of the swing to the right,
    is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm
    compensates"--The Kybalion.

As with this design of our entire universe. We can see our heart expands and contracts in a continuous cycle. Trees grow and die and their seeds grow and die in a continuous cycle. We walk right foot and then left foot and then right foot in a continuous cycle. We have day and night and then day again and night. In the piano, we start at Do to Re to Mi to Fa until we arrive back at Do and the cycle continues.

Our economy booms and then busts and then booms. World powers eventually withers and then another world power will rise and then withers and it's a continuous cycle. We as human beings and as a creature of this universe follows the same pattern. Even our personal lives also have its ups and downs and believe me that you have to accept everything including the downs because it will eventually lead to your ups.

Everything is a RHYTHM.


Just dance with it.....


Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Up and the Down

Excerpt from Kyballion

Principle Number Five: The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure  of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."


Every knows what a pendulum is. It swings from left to right and vise versa. For a pendulum to move to the right, it must first be on the left side. For a pendulum to move to the right, it must first be on the left. The left gives power for the movement to the right. The right gives power for the movement to the left. The opposite gives power to its opposite. The left cannot be the left if not for the right. The right cannot be the right if not for the left.

All in the universe is in this rhythm. The rise and fall of civilizations. The heart expands and contracts. The heart cannot expand if it didn't contract first. We walk using the left foot and then the right foot. We never walk with our right foot and then moves with the right foot again.

In a rocket launch, the rocket cannot move up to space if the rocket forces itself to move up. The rocket must exert a force downward for it to move up. The downward movement gives power to the upward movement.


This is a wave. Light, sound and wind uses this design in order to exist. It's an up and downward movement. For the sound to reach its destination, it must follow this rhythm of up and down. The sound cannot reach its destination if the wave only goes up and up and up. The sound will just die.


This can be applied to your life too. We had all of those downs in our lives. I too had those downs in my life.


If you rewind and play and watch your past, you will realize and understand that your life is a rhythm. All those downs in your life were the cause of your ups and most of the time, it's even higher than whence you fell. The downs will cause the ups. The ups will cause the downs. 

Be thankful for the downs as it is the reason for your ups.


Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Infinite Universe: The Bigger Perspective

Where are we really in the universe?

The universe is so vast and so big and infinite and far beyond the human imagination. We as humans had been disconnected to the universe as we had been busy doing our very little things. We had been focusing on our own very little worlds like the office space, the school, family, friends not thinking that our own little worlds are part of the much much bigger universe.

Here is a video of how big the universe really is.

We humans had been battling wars for oil, for wealth and for power inside our very own little earth not thinking that our own very little earth is not even 1% of the entire universe. In the personal side, we had been engaging in fights with our own families, our own friends and taking in deep resentment against other people for years. All people including me is guilty of doing that. We always think that our very own problems is what constitute our whole life or even the entire world or universe, but it is not.

As the main goal of every human being is happiness as I stated in my previous post, Our Ultimate Goal.We should know what really makes us happy and learn to detach and drop unnecessary beliefs and ideals that we always carry deep inside of us. We sometimes think that these are the things that really matter in our life, but what really matters is our ultimate goal which is happiness.

True happiness can only be found within and not from without. Whatever beliefs you have of what is within doesn't really matter. What matters is that we be happy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Creation and Destruction 创造与毁坏


Creation and destruction are all part of how the universe works. The heart, the lungs, the plants, human beings, magnetic energy, electricity. Even our mind works this way.

Some people call this destruction and creation the LIFE CYCLE. Some people call it Nature's Flow and some people call it simply The State of FLOW just like what Vishen Lakhiani talks about.

It is how we live. Without destruction and creation, we simply cannot live.

The heart cannot live without destroying and creating blood cells at the same time. The lungs cannot be the lungs without inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. The plants cannot be plants without inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen. The battery cannot be battery without sending out electrons and accepting electrons.

The mind cannot function well without taking in pictures and discarding pictures. Just most of the people do take in pictures and store them in their mind without letting it go and that's the root of all problems for most people..

The Central Bank of any country cannot be a central bank if they don't destroy and create currency both at the same time. Currency is a flow of money. Imagine the Central Bank like the heart and money like the blood. Blood is a flow.

A corporation cannot be a corporation without spending money and taking in revenue. Currency is the blood. A corporation cannot just take in revenue, but also needs to spend it. The amount of expenditure and the amount of revenue is what makes the corporation big or small. The amount of money the corporation does have in the bank doesn't determine the weight of the corporation.

It goes the same with a person's worth. A person's money in the bank doesn't really determine the person's overall net worth but how big the inflow and outflow of money determines the person's net worth. Money is not the goal, but how great the flow of money is.

You must give first in order to receive. This is the virtue and absolute principle. Outflow comes first before inflow. Capital comes first before revenue. Giving comes first before receiving. A water tank cannot take in more water if it's full; it needs to send water off in order to receive new water. Mind cannot take in new experiences unless you let go of the past.

We cannot be humans unless we were born and then die. Death is a natural cause and part of the universal cycle.

We can also create pictures and destroy them. We create dreams and destroy them. It's these functions that makes us and the universe. It is the Life Flow or simply THE FLOW!It's just simply AWESOME!!!


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What Meditation?



Meditation is something unknown to many many people. I for one had been like "Who cares?" Somehow for people who haven't been exposed to it might find it boring or even hear stories on TV who does meditation in India who will not eat for 30 days. Who would want to do that? I don't want to do that.

Anyway, those are just MISCONCEPTIONS about meditation.

Meditation is going in your mind as opposed to our daily lives which is concentrated on the outside. We eat, work, go to school, brush our teeth and so on. We do it while focusing all our five senses on the outside.

Meditation is focusing what's on the inside.

I used to be very confused with my own thoughts like why do I feel this way? Why do I suddenly did this thing? Why am I unhappy? Why all of a sudden, I feel sad? What is this about? At times, I don't even recognize my feelings. I don't know how I feel? What is this feeling? Is this sadness, disappointment or anger?

I was very confused.

It had come to a point that I still want to grow taller then I downloaded  hypnosis for that. That's the part that exposed me to meditation. It's hypnosis, but somehow it's also some kind of meditation. It feels awesome after that. I discovered that there is a vast universe inside of my mind. At first, I was wandering around my mind here and there. It's fantastic! It's awesome!

I am a very adventurous guy and I find it amazing to be discovering what is inside.

What is inside is as vast as what is outside. It's the microcosm and macrocosm of our reality.

So wonderful!

For those of you who haven't tried it yet, try it. You'll never regret it.

You don't need to sit. You can lie down meditating. It doesn't have to be like the one in the picture below. That's so traditional. There are many ways to do it.
