Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Up and the Down

Excerpt from Kyballion

Principle Number Five: The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure  of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."


Every knows what a pendulum is. It swings from left to right and vise versa. For a pendulum to move to the right, it must first be on the left side. For a pendulum to move to the right, it must first be on the left. The left gives power for the movement to the right. The right gives power for the movement to the left. The opposite gives power to its opposite. The left cannot be the left if not for the right. The right cannot be the right if not for the left.

All in the universe is in this rhythm. The rise and fall of civilizations. The heart expands and contracts. The heart cannot expand if it didn't contract first. We walk using the left foot and then the right foot. We never walk with our right foot and then moves with the right foot again.

In a rocket launch, the rocket cannot move up to space if the rocket forces itself to move up. The rocket must exert a force downward for it to move up. The downward movement gives power to the upward movement.


This is a wave. Light, sound and wind uses this design in order to exist. It's an up and downward movement. For the sound to reach its destination, it must follow this rhythm of up and down. The sound cannot reach its destination if the wave only goes up and up and up. The sound will just die.


This can be applied to your life too. We had all of those downs in our lives. I too had those downs in my life.


If you rewind and play and watch your past, you will realize and understand that your life is a rhythm. All those downs in your life were the cause of your ups and most of the time, it's even higher than whence you fell. The downs will cause the ups. The ups will cause the downs. 

Be thankful for the downs as it is the reason for your ups.


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