Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Infinite Universe: The Bigger Perspective

Where are we really in the universe?

The universe is so vast and so big and infinite and far beyond the human imagination. We as humans had been disconnected to the universe as we had been busy doing our very little things. We had been focusing on our own very little worlds like the office space, the school, family, friends not thinking that our own little worlds are part of the much much bigger universe.

Here is a video of how big the universe really is.

We humans had been battling wars for oil, for wealth and for power inside our very own little earth not thinking that our own very little earth is not even 1% of the entire universe. In the personal side, we had been engaging in fights with our own families, our own friends and taking in deep resentment against other people for years. All people including me is guilty of doing that. We always think that our very own problems is what constitute our whole life or even the entire world or universe, but it is not.

As the main goal of every human being is happiness as I stated in my previous post, Our Ultimate Goal.We should know what really makes us happy and learn to detach and drop unnecessary beliefs and ideals that we always carry deep inside of us. We sometimes think that these are the things that really matter in our life, but what really matters is our ultimate goal which is happiness.

True happiness can only be found within and not from without. Whatever beliefs you have of what is within doesn't really matter. What matters is that we be happy.